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Embedded Payments: What ISVs need to know to about UX, revenue and risk management

Updated: Sep 25, 2019

ISV are increasingly looking to integrate payments processing directly into their solutions to create better customer experiences while growing a significant new revenue line. But payments are not as simple as embedding a “pay now” button or putting up a web form. Doing it poorly can not only damage your customer experience but can also lead to significant PCI, security and financial liability.

Talk to us about getting an overview of the opportunity for enterprise and SMB software providers and a roadmap to success. Every company thinks differently about balancing time to market, client control, revenue, risk and customer experience and our experience and real world examples will help guide you through the options and trade-offs.

Finally, we can discuss some of the most exciting advances in embedded payments such as text payments, semi-integrated terminals, invoicing and payment facilitator programs. These new technologies are guaranteed to excite the technology focused team and give everyone actionable next steps for your integrated payments plan.

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