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A First Class Problem Worth Solving

"Why is it so hard to order what I want, when I want it, while poolside at many of the finest hotels and resorts in the world." Yep, that's the issue that we need to fix.

Here's the root of the issue. Once I’ve drank enough rosé to drain a small country and I look like a Maine lobster, I can’t seem to find anyone to bring me the check so I can retreat to the safety of my air conditioned room. It’s actually remarkable that the same attendant that thought I wanted tequila shots at 10:45am is now nowhere to be seen.

I have the solution. Simply integrate #Authvia into the #POS and all is well for the 100% of us that already have our mobile phones with us. I can order from my lounge chair and settle via #txt2pay any time I want. No more waiting, wondering, or getting that awkward phone call in the room when you forget to settle up.

This new system is going to be so good we may need to take even more tropical vacations. Oh, that reminds me, since the whole system works over SMS we don’t need to download anything and it will work for every global traveler in every location around the world.

Next up, how to get those birds to stop trying to steal my leftover chips.

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